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Gloria Attoun

In addition to being a singer/songwriter & musician, Gloria Attoun is also a fiber-arts artist.  Using texture, color & objects found in nature, Gloria experiments with the layers and hidden spaces of her own handmade paper elements which provide an almost unlimited pool of inspiration.  Gloria loves the landscape in and around Augusta and spends a lot of time exploring nature and all it has to offer.  Most of inspiration and objects in her art come from the bottomland countryside and trails.  This fiber art is made with cotton rag, abaca fibers–sometimes wax and natural objects.  It is then tinted, painted and sewn and/or woven onto.  Sometimes there are drawings or paintings involved in each one-of-a-kind, handmade piece.  Gloria is also a Creativity Coach and enjoys supporting others in moving forward in their creative lives.  For more information on Gloria’s music, art & creativity workshops, please visit her website: